The swimming pool is usually, along with the kitchen, the backbone of the modern property. New builds often construct the home to incorporate the pool with the house using wide window openings and invasive pool positioning.
Older pools were built in a different era, usually constructed on bigger land parcels meaning the pools are usually larger, deeper and a little more secluded from the home. Modern day renovations are now tying in the pool with the house with nifty ideas and features. With a growing rate of older pools needing attention in Sydney, Ero Pools has grown to become one of the most trusted names in the industry.
There are many reasons a pool may need renovating. These can range from simple aesthetic needs like updating the surface or tiles to a complete repair of structural issues like concrete cancer or adding additional steps/SPA's.
Pool ResurfacingResurfacing the pool interior can be required for many reasons. Poor initial workmanship, poor product selection, poor chemical maintenance and structural issues like rust or cracking can all be legitimate reasons to require a pool resurface. The process in a pool resurfacing project can be difficult to detect initially. Most resurface projects are fairly straight forward but others have underlying issues like extreme defective drummy areas or multiple layers of existing surface which can make the process more difficult and costly to undertake. Ero Pools can evaluate costings for most standard resurface projects with some info on the pool size and some photos of the pool and current surface.
| Complete RenovationsFurther to the pool resurfacing option, sometimes its not possible to keep the existing coping and/or waterline tiles if they have been damaged or not installed properly (or sometimes just plain outdated). Ero Pools can remove and strip the existing coping and waterline back to a solid base and then start the process of leveling and re-applying tiles. This process is the most rewarding as it basically gives the client a brand new pool on completion and leaves nothing from the old structure aesthetically visible.
| Structural RenovationsFuther to the renovation of the coping, waterline and pool interior, other repairs may be needed to ensure the pools durability. Issues like concrete cancer are common within the industry especially if the pool was not constructed up to standard. Rust repairs require a little more attention to repair to ensure the rusted area is cleaned, rust removed, sealed and does not return in the years to come. Other structural work that Ero Pools can undertake are projects requiring additional steps, making the pool shallower and making pools smaller/larger.